
I am interested in how relationships in society - parent-child, family, school/peers, community, country, etc. - are biologically embedded within individual and make people who they are, and in turn how individual existence is externalized into the relationships. The role of the brain is my primary focus within biological embedding, as the brain functions as a receptor of external stimuli, an interpreter of those stimuli and an effector of the external environment. I am also interested in how these interdependent relationships between society and the individual through the brain continue with dynamic changes throughout life, across multiple generations, and even historically.
Ultimately, I hope to clarify the nature of human beings as social creatures, and thereby uncover an ideal social design that allows each individual to realize their full capability and live their own life.


Keywords: social epidemiology; social relationships; child and adolescent psychology/psychiatry; population neuroscience



  • Education

  • 2021 PhD in Medical Science | Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
    Dissertation Title: Degree of influence in class modifies the associaiton between social network diversity and well-being
    Mentor: Prof. Takeo Fujiwara
    2023 MD | Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Japan

  • Academic appointments

  • 2019.4 - 2020.3 Teaching Assistant | Public Health | Tokyo Medical and Dental University
    2019.11- 2020.4 Visiting researcher | Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology, Generation R Study | Erasmus Medical Center
    2021.5 - 2022.2 Project Reseacher | National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition
    2023.4 - present Specially appointed assistant professor | Public Health | Tokyo Medical and Dental University
    2023.6 - 2023.8 (planned) Visiting researcher | Diagnostic Radiology | National University of Singapore
    2023.9 - 2025.8 (planned) Visiting researcher | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

  • Grant funding

  • 1. JSPS Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers | 2020.8 - 2020.12 | Total Amount: JPY 1.4 million
    Projecti Title: The effect of parenting on child biological function and morphological development concerning mental health
    (refused to accept due to COVID-19 pandemic)
    2. JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship | 2023.9 - 2025.8 | Total Amount: JPY 7.5 million
    Project Title: The role of parent-child interaction in child psychosocial development -integrating a neuroimaging approach

  • Bibliography

  • Selected Publications
    1. Y Koyama, T Fujiwara, A Isumi, & S Doi. Degree of influence in class modifies the association between social network diversity and well-being: Results from a large population-based study in Japan. Social science & medicine,260:113170.2020.
    2. Y Koyama, T Fujiwara, A Isumi, S Doi, & M Ochi. The impact of public assistance on child mental health in Japan: results from A-CHILD study. Journal of public health policy,42(1):98–112.2021.
    3. Y Koyama, N Nawa, Y Yamaoka, H Nishimura, S Sonoda, J Kuramochi, Y Miyazaki, & T Fujiwara. Interplay between social isolation and loneliness and chronic systemic inflammation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: Results from U-CORONA study. Brain, behavior, and immunity,94:51–59.2021.
    4. Y Koyama, T Fujiwara, J Yagi, H Mashiko, & Great East Japan Earthquake Follow-up for Children study team. Association of parental dissatisfaction and perceived inequality of post-disaster recovery process with child mental health. Social science & medicine,296:114723.2022.
    Google Scholar

    Conference Presentation
    1. Y Koyama, AC Hidalgo, H Tiemeier. Low family income from fetal life onward and child brain morphology: differential impact by ethnic minority and majority status in a population-based study. 68th annual meeting of American Academy of Child & Adolescent psychiatry. Oct. 2021. [poster presentation]

  • PDF version of CV

  • CV in English/ 履歴書/CV in Japanese

勉強ノート/Study notes

Blogs, notes and projects.

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Updated when it is available.


Feel free to contact me via SNS or email address koyama.yuna[at]tmd.ac.jp.